degree certificate jargon in china
Graduation (in Chinese 毕业 Bìyè) is the receiving or conferring of an academic degree (in the United States, the term can refer to the technical process of receiving one’s degree — a stage in the process of working towards a degree; )in China — 毕业证书 (Bìyè Zhèngshū —.§ 3 degrees are awarded), an end of college or graduate school after years of intense study (Hong Kong 入伍证 (rùwúzhèng)), or the ceremony at which degrees are conferred. It is known as the official term in all educational in the country. Another important document for higher education in China is the 学位证书 (Xuéwèi Zhèngshū) — ‘degree certificate’ So, both statements hold great importance but have different utility and when discussed under educational qualification theses both statements are mistaken for one another.
Difference Between 毕业证书 (Bìyè Zhèngshū) and 学位证书 (Xuéwèi Zhèngshū
One of those crucial distinctions Chinese education insists on between these two certificates. The 毕业证书 may be granted to a student, once he has completed all coursework with required amount of credits and it is also signed by the select of the institution the student graduated from. The 学位 is always a DIPLOMA: it is a leap certificate that avers the graduate has earned the qualification to be awarded the particular academic degree level; eg. bachelor, master or doctorate,《Verification may include such items as the official document, in addition to other documentation, for example, the Student Statement, Admission Receipt as well as others from an approved professional body》. It may be possible for the student to receive a 学位证书 without a 毕业证书, especially if the student did not meet the degree-specific requirements, such as passing a certain examination or completing a thesis.
According to the Chinese Ministry of Education, more than 8 million students graduated from undergraduate and post graduate programs in 2019 alone. Nonetheless, the share of these graduates who also obtained a 学位证书 varies substantially by program type and source. That is the amount a university will grant a degree type, and for example, traditional research universities will degree certified high school graduates compared to a vocational college.
Career and Educational Relevance of these Certificates
Both credentials are necessary for graduates who are going for Job or higher studies. In the professional job market, employers often ask to look at the 毕业证书 to verify the educational background. A 学位证书 (学位证), On the other hand, is needed for posts that need a specific qualification or for more academic pursuits to show that the candidate has achieved a particular standard of academic credential.
Again, along with the move towards the proliferation of educational fraud and buying of false certificates, the Chinese government and many educational institutions have taken a stricter approach to confirming these documents. These are housed in systems supported digital verification that allow employers and other colleges to check a certificate presented to them_valid.
To put it in short, this means distinguishing between two crucial certificates in China: based on what you have translated in the past — the 毕业证书 (graduation certificate) and the 学位证书 (degree certificate). These have a very essential part in the professional as well as in the educational scenario of China, by doing these documents can check the level of education and standards of qualification of an individual. If you want to know more about the terminology in education, keep the title as what is degree certificate called.
Understanding the specifics of these different certificates not only helps when working in the Chinese educational and professional landscape but also speaks to the high standards held by Chinese higher education.